SD Hamfest
October 4, 2025
Floor Plan
List of Vendors

- Booth 1 Prize Booth
- Booth 2 Lakeside Amateur Radio Club and Radio Booth
- Booth 3 Trading Post Consignment Booth
- Booth 4 ARRL
- Booth 5
- Booth 6
- Booth 7
- Booth 8
- Booth 9 Palomar Engineers
- Booth 10 Palomar Engineers
- Booth 11 VE Testing Check-in
- Booth 12
- Booth 13 All Day Electronics
- Booth 14 All Day Electronics
- Booth 15 All Day Electronics
- Booth 16 Survival Mode Kits
- Booth 17 A
- Booth 17 B
- Booth 18 A
- Booth 18 B
- Booth 18 C VE Testing Grading
Used Radio Trade Show
Set-up your gear to sell
Outside Reserved Spaces

- Space 1
- Space 2
- Space 3
- Space 4
- Space 5
- Space 6
- Space 7
- Space 8
- Space 9
- Space 10
- Space 11
- Space 12
Vendors & Used Radio Sellers Please line up on Vine Street. We will let you in from there. Our Staff arrives at 0530 Hours
our Vendors