Learn how to select, choose and setup an end fed antenna system that works on multiple bands, is stealthy and radiates well at low heights. Find out the secrets of antenna matching, reducing RFI and minimizing noise present on many end fed antennas. Example installations and antenna dimensions will be shown for 160-6 meter operations.
Bob Brehm, AK6R is Chief Engineer of Palomar Engineers, and has been a ham for over 50 years with experience in contesting, RTTY, amplitude modulation, vintage radio restoration, boat anchors, linear amps and unique antennas. He is active on 3.870 AM and 3.895 Vintage SSB as well as other nets offering his expertise to new and old hams alike.
Bob is often asked to speak at conventions and radio club meetings about RFI, antenna matching, using baluns/ununs, stealth antennas, amplitude modulation, RTTY/digital modes, ESSB, ham radio on boats, and a variety of other subjects.
11AM - 11:50 AM
Brian Slosson, KC2GNV
Topic: Introduction to Ham Radio DMR
This talk will explain what is DMR and why is DMR extremely popular among hams. Find out what is DMR, why is it so popular, what does DMR do for Ham Radio, and how is DMR being used in Ham Radio.
DMR is an open and published international digital radio standard that offers feature rich capabilities at extremely affordable prices. DMR offers double the capacity of other digital/analog standards as it has two time slots (channel) because it uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) channels. In the spirit of ham radio hams have experimented and have taken DMR to a whole new level. Come join us as we discuss all the neat features that hams are experimenting with.
12PM - 12:50 PM
Name, Call
Write up goes here
1PM - 1:50 AM
Name, Call
Write up goes here
2PM - 2:50 AM
Dick Norton, N6AA
Topic: ARRL Forum,
ARRL Southwestern Division Director Dick Norton, N6AA, will speak on the ARRL and current happenings in Amateur Radio Dick Norton, N6AA, was first licensed in 1955 as KN2PHF. Initially active in traffic nets and DXing, he is mostly active today on-the-air in contests.
Operating in CQ WW DX Contests from all of the 40 zones has given him an opportunity to see the world and meet with amateurs from all corners of the globe.
Dick is currently ARRL Southwestern Division Director as well as president of the Southern California Contest Club. He has spoken frequently at Dayton, Visalia, and other conventions
3:15 PM
Closing Ceremonies
Any unclaimed Door Prizes to be handed out and then Main Prize! In he Main Hall.